
Monday, June 02, 2003

<*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*>

Information For Today's Parent!

<*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*>
VOL. V : Issue 5, May 31, 2003
Editor: Joan Bramsch
E-mail: hijoan@joanbramsch.com

Common sense solutions for Today's Parenting Challenges!
Empowered Parents = Strong Families

"Sizzlers" for Summer Reading!

Classic Contemporary Romance Novels
By Joan Bramschr>


Letter to Parent
<*> Article
<*> Letters from EP Parents
<*> This 'n That
<*> Marketplace
<*> Subscribe/unsubscribe Information r>
"You do what you know how to do; and when you know better, you do better."
- Maya Angelou
I want to get young Izidor Ruckel, author of "Abandoned for Life.," invited to be on the Oprah Show. Please go here: (make sure you have the entire address)
Https://www.oprah.com/plugger/templates/BeOnTheShow.jhtml?action=respond&plugId=D35500005 Fill out your name and address and enter the following message, please and thank you.
Please invite to the Oprah Show, Izidor Ruckel, author of "Abandoned for Life. The incredible story of one Romanian orphan hidden from the world. His life. His words." Izidor is a survivor! Read about it here: http://joanbramsch.com/romania.html Thank you. Contact: Joan Bramsch empoweredparenting@earthlink.net

From Larry Morningstar

"Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people."

-- Eleanor Roosevelt

<*> Letter to Parent

Hi Dear Parents,

Well, I wrote the EP Ezine on Saturday, but Life got in the way and I've just proofed and published today so I'm still calling this our May issue and I sincerely hope you enjoy it. You may wish to store the web page address so you can come back and read more of it, should you get called away.

Except for the EP Parent Letter and my answer, this issue is pretty much dedicated to Parents of Teens. If you are one of them, hang in there and read on. If you still have liddle kiddles, wait a minute and you'll be up to your neck in teens, so you'll also want to read on.

There's just so much to share with you. Don't yell that you don't have the time! There is NO rule that you have to read it all at once. It only comes to you once a month and, I give you my word, your email software will not melt if you hold on to the address for awhile. :) So read what interests you. Pass along what you think will interest others (along with the web address so they can sign up for themselves, please http://www.EmpoweredParent.com And scroll on by, what doesn't apply to your lifestyle today.

But don't scroll too fast because there are secrets and surprises hidden everywhere!

Here's a question for you, first thing out of the box... How many of you went to visit David's Play Piano Today web site last month? Here's what I wrote:

And speaking of music, if you are like me and always wanted to play piano or keyboard and never had the time, I have found the Perfect answer in this web site: http://www.playpianotoday.com/ David Sprunger is now a friend (You know how I think Friends are the best collectibles :) His site is so loaded with FREE lessons that you'll soon prove to yourself that you can do it. Then purchase his CD lessons. A six-month course equals the price of one quality music lesson in St. Louis. I am so glad I found his site, but did I really find it? There are no coincidences, are there? :)

Now here's what that lovely man is offering _exclusively_ to EP Parents -- He is holding a June drawing and four (that's 1-2-3-4) EP Parents who have entered the sweepstakes will receive a full Rhythm Patterns Piano course valued at $49, compliments of David Sprunger himself.

So here's the deal: send me your NAME and ADDRESS -- emailto:PIANO@JoanBramsch.com

First Drawing will be July 1. Note: send only ONE ENTRY per email address, please. More than one entry will VOID all duplicates as well. If this goes well, David has promised to continue the Sweepstakes in July. What a fun way to get the kids to start playing music again! Mom and Dad can learn right along with them.

I love you. I send you peace and a happy healthy Summer, or Winter downunder.

PS. MAR(k)S YOUR CALENDAR At 5:51 a.m. EDT on Aug. 27, 2003, Mars will be within 34,646,488 miles (55,746,199 kilometers) of Earth. This will be the closest that Mars has come to our planet in about 73,000 years, based on detailed computations by Jean Meeus of Belgium. The Red Planet is getting progressively closer to Earth with each passing night, and the reddish point of light in our night sky will appear more than six times larger and shine some 85 times brighter than it appears now.

PPS. Here's something to ponder... Suppose we originally came from Mars? A VIEW & AUDIO OF EARTH FROM MARS! http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2003/22may_alienearth.htm

PPPS. "Abandoned For Life" is now available as an instantly downloadable PDF document. Http://joanbramsch.com/romania.html


You know you shouldn't agree to do everything you're asked to do but you have a hard time saying "no." You've tried being more discriminating but you find that your best intentions are lost over time. What I've done recently -- and it seems to help -- is keep by my phone a sheet of paper that asks two questions:

1. "Does this request help me achieve one of my primary goals?"

2. "Am I the only one who can do this?"

If the answer to either question is "no," I say "no."

Want to see my MN lake?


And there's the cottage at the end of the road. :)


lake measures 1 miles x 4 miles. You can even see the sand bars underwater.
The miracles of technology.

By Molly Ivins, The FCC has been captured by the industry it is supposed to regulate. Http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=16032

My son Zachary, 4, came screaming out of the bathroom to tell me he'd dropped his toothbrush in the toilet. So I fished it out and threw it in the garbage. Zachary stood there thinking for a moment, then ran to my bathroom and came out with my toothbrush. He held it up and said with a charming little smile, "We better throw this one out too then, 'cause it fell in the toilet a few days ago."

The new Patriot Act demands that all schools turn over all personal information concerning YOUR child to the Homeland Security people. First, they can demand to know what books you are reading (and booksellers and librarians are going to the mat for us), and now they want to know all about our kids. "And when they came to get me... There was no one left to help."

MEANWHILE... Up in Space, Peas... Gone To Seed http://science.nasa.gov/ppod/y2003/28may_gonetoseed.htm?list969313

<*> Article

According to the book "Are You Normal About Money?" by Bernice Kanner:
* 79% of American women like to shop; 74% of men don't.
* 60% of us would rather win the lottery than an Oscar or a Nobel Peace Prize.
* 60% of us enjoy spending money more than making it.
* Only 13% of us think money can buy happiness.
* 25% say they would abandon all their friends for $10 million.
* 27% wouldn't give a dime to charity even if they got $10 million.
* Just 13% of us expect to help a parent or parent-in-law financially.
* 30% of Americans don't know their spouses' salaries.

So, how normal are you?

HERE'S SOME MONEY ADVICE from the Wealth Diva, and it's Free!

Women only. Sorry Dads and Grandpas.

On the first day of school, a first-grader handed his teacher a note from his mother. The note read, "The opinions expressed by this child are not necessarily those of his parents."

I bet you or your kids can't fill in this map correctly the first time! I'm embarrassed to say that it took me awhile. And I used to be a whiz at geography. :(



Space Weather News for May 28, 2003

SOLAR ACTIVITY: Big sunspot 365 unleashed a series of powerful X-class
solar flares on May 27th and 28th. At least one coronal mass
ejection(CME)appears to be heading toward Earth. The CME could trigger
auroras when it sweeps by our planet later this week. The sunspot itself
is big and impressive; you can see it using safe solar projection

HOT COMETS: A pair of comets swung perilously close to the sun on May
23rd and 24th. A new SOHO movie shows what happened.

"Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy."
PARENT TEST - now this one is really revealing...Http://msn.ancestry.com/landing/msn/taboos/kids/index.htm?SourceCode=5649&rc=locale%7E&us=0 Make sure to get all the address, copy and paste.

HOW MANY of you watch Bill Moyers' show "NOW" on PBS on Friday evenings? In my opinion, he is ever on watch to protect American values so they don't slip away.

ANY BIRTHDAY...With your name and exact birthrate,
someone can cause all kinds of mischief.

Now along comes Anybirthday.com...

Go to this site, type in your name (or even partial name) and zip code
(again it can be partial) and whammo ... your full name and (very accurate)
birthrate is displayed!

OK, I checked it out. And mine WAS there. Yikes!! So was my wife, kids,
parents, etc. Double yikes!! This website needs a serious time-out in
the corner!

Luckily the site does have an opt-out. After I opted-out, my information
no longer appeared in the search.

So, for those who are interested, go to http://snurl.com/b_day and try out your search.

If you find your birthday, you can opt-out at http://snurl.com/bday_out

This is really real folks.

JOAN'S NOTE: Also, go to google.com and aol.com and put in your phone number. You'll be surprised to discover that it will supply not only your name, but your address and a MAP on how to find you. Listed or unlisted, as I understand it. Swell information for a pedophile, eh?

<*> Article

REQUIRED READING, please, for all parents of sub-teens or TEENS:

Larry Wack is a new EP Parent. We found each other a week ago. He's the father of three teens and a retired FBI agent with 30 years service, primarily in the Terrorist division in NYC and Gangs in upstate NY. This man knows what he's talking about. Please... listen!
Our Teens And The Trends Of Cheating And Team Killing

THE INVISIBLE WEBResearch tools to find almost out almost anything

I DIDN'T KNOW THIS, did you?

Libel is a written lie, and slander is a spoken lie, told to harm another.

(I'm late on this, but it's very moving)


How do you outfox your kid of any age?

Send your answer to FOX@JoanBramsch.com

Space Station Science Picture of the Day for May 23, 2003

Tiny Anatahan Island is blanketed in ash. Its only inhabitants--thousands
of feral goats and wild pigs--have perished. A churning plume of brown
smoke reaches 4 miles into the air. International Space Station (ISS)
science officer Ed Lu saw it first.


You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. ~ Jack London
<*> Article

Family First

With today's hectic lifestyle, families need to make spending time with each other a priority. It's not easy, and many times events tend to crop up that would steal that time away. Don't allow the urgent things to take precedence over the important things. Here are a few suggestions to make family time a reality.

Take inventory: You will make time for what is important to you. How much time do you actually spend with your family now? Much like beginning a budget, write down the specific amount of time spent with your family for a period of time, say a month.

Start dating: Every member of your family needs a relationship with you. It is important to spend time with each member separately. Get to know your children as individuals. That may mean taking your daughter to the mall, or your son on a fishing trip. Peer pressure exerts its greatest influence during the ages of 12-14. Don't give up during these tough years! Remember to take your spouse on a date, too!

Write it in stone: Set aside specific family time. Allow nothing to interfere with it, and forbid anyone to schedule something else during this time. It might be for a half-hour a day, to keep up with what everyone is doing, or perhaps a couple of hours once a week. The optimal goal for husband and wife is ten hours a week. Do whatever works for your family. Regardless, make it a priority.

Small things add up: Take a few moments every day to let each family member know that you appreciate them. Be specific. Let them know exactly what they did and that you appreciate it. Did your son take out the trash without being asked? Did your daughter clean the kitchen after dinner? This can be a small step toward rebuilding relationships if you are running into trouble with a teen. Again, be sure to include your spouse!

Have fun: Every so often, schedule a 'just because' afternoon. Be flexible and spontaneous. Go to the zoo, walk on the beach, play Laser Tag, have an ice cream sundae... whatever. Just have fun!

Jeff Murrah, LPC. P O Box 423. La Porte,
Texas 77572. 713.944.4335
email: jeff@restorethefamily.com

What would you do with a year's Sabbatical?

Write to WHOOHOO@JoanBramsch.com


A Sack of Potatoes

A teacher once told each of her students to bring a clear plastic bag and a sack of potatoes to school. For every person they refuse to forgive in their life's experience, they chose a potato, wrote on it the name and date, and put it in the plastic bag. Some of their bags were quite heavy.

They were then told to carry this bag with them everywhere for one week, putting it beside their bed at night, on the car seat when driving, next to their desk at work.

The hassle of lugging this sack around with them made it clear what a weight they were carrying spiritually, and how they had to pay attention to it all the time to not forget and keep leaving it in embarrassing places. Naturally, the condition of the potatoes deteriorated to a nasty smelly slime. This, in turn, made them unpleasant to be around. It didn't take long for each of the students to figure out that getting rid of the potatoes was much more important than carrying them around.

This is a great metaphor for the price we pay for keeping our pain and heavy negativity! Too often we think of forgiveness as a gift to the other person.

Forgiveness clearly is for ourselves!

Thanks to BB :)


As an adult, are you aware that drinking alcoholic beverages to excess-even occasionally-can be risky? Exactly what qualifies as moderate drinking by men or women? (Hint: there is a difference!) What are the telltale signs that you or a loved one may be drinking too much, and what can you do about it? Find these answers and much more in this FREE Information Kit, available through May 31. Order FREE online, or call 1-800-729-6686 and ask for the Alcohol Information Kit, inventory number ALCKIT. Http://www.health.org/promos/theme/


Want to learn more about the people who (statistically speaking) live in your neighborhood? Check out "You Are Where You Live" on this website: http://cluster2.claritas.com/YAWYL/Default.wjsp?System=WL
<*> Article

10 Ways to Help Your Daughter Learn to Love Her Body and HerselfBy Stephanie Pierson and Phyllis Cohen, CSW

It is harder than it ever has been for a teenage girl to grow up in
a safe and sane way, feeling good about herself when she looks in
the mirror. Why? We're all caught up with body image issues. Girls
are bombarded with messages that no matter how they look, they are
always falling short of some unrealistic ideal (hint: tall, thin,
blonde, beautiful).

Here's 10 things you can do to help your daughter learn to love her
body and herself:

1. Understand what she's going through - it's not easy.
2. Listen and learn from her.
3. Take a good look at yourself. Maybe you need to change.
4. Respect her body, her privacy, her right to spend 2 hours in
front of the mirror putting on lip liner.
5. Guide her, help her, don't control her.
6. Act like a mother, a role model. Don't forget that you're
the grown-up. Be close but don't be her best friend.
7. Eat a sandwich in front of her and don't talk about how many
calories it has or how guilty you feel. Eat the chips, too.
8. Laugh with her. Share jokes only the 2 of you get.
9. Know that she's up against the most impossible physical
ideal: tall, thin, beautiful, thin, thin, thin.
Filter the messages and give her some perspective.
10 Don't tell her looks don't matter and that people don't care
if you're thin or fat. Don't tell her it's what's inside that
counts. Don't tell her a good personality is everything - that's
just not true and doesn't help. Get real.

Copyright © 2003 Stephanie Pierson and Phyllis Cohen, CSW

Stephanie Pierson and Phyllis Cohen, CSW are the authors of YOU HAVE
TO SAY I'M PRETTY, YOU'RE MY MOTHER: How to Help Your Daughter Learn
to Love Her Body and Herself (Published by Simon & Schuster
0-7432-2918-5; Price: $23.00).

Award-winning journalist Stephanie Pierson has successfully helped
her teenage daughter recover from an eating disorder. New York
psychotherapist Phyllis Cohen has successfully treated body image
issues of teenage girls for more than twenty-five years. The result
of their collaboration is this groundbreaking, much-needed book for
mothers who are trying to help their daughters navigate the
difficult years of adolescence.

<*> Letters from EP Parents

Dear Joan,
Please help, I have a 23mo who in a few days will be two.In the past week he has started to hit or rather slap me in the face also to his father and telling me that I am mean. Today he pinched a playmate in the face and told his grandmother she was mean. I am not mean to my baby nor is anyone else in my family. I stayed home with him for the first 18mo\'s of his life however he is now in daycare. Also he bites or tries to. I asked at his daycare about the word mean because in our home he had never heard that word. The daycare director has told me that he has never been told that he was mean but that other children in his class have been told that what they are doing is mean. I don\'t know what to do, I tell him that we don\'t allow hitting in our house and to stop that and that mommy is not mean that mommy is nice and I forgot to tell you that after he hits or tells you mean he says sorry. Help me, what to I do to change this behavior. I want to raise a kind and gentle little boy so he will grow to become a kind, gentle and peaceful person. thank you
Signed: N

Dear N,
I'm glad you wrote to me. You're talking too much. He's too little to listen to all that. His attention span is only a few moments short.

Think about the payoff he's getting by hitting and slapping and saying mean things... Yup, he's getting attention. It doesn't matter to him if it's good attention or bad attention, it's attention.

Also, when this occurs, you have to ask yourself first, is he tired, hungry or not feeling well. He is feeling frustrated about something and cannot communicate clearly; he's just a baby. But if you ascertain that he has just developed an unacceptable habit, here's what you do...

The solution:
At home - if he hits or slaps, pick him up, protect yourself, and CALMLY, WITH NO EMOTION, say, "We don't hit. We hug." Then take him to his bed and put him in it. Tell him as soon as he finds his happy face he should call you and you'll come get him. Then leave and close the door. As soon as he calls nicely, enter with a smile, pick him up, hug him and say, "Shall we play a game now?" DO NOT even mention the unsatisfactory unacceptable behavior.

We get the type behavior to which we give attention. Talking about it, or yelling at him, or hitting him back, is not the way to show him that you disapprove of his actions. You talk about what he does right. With children as with adults - we train them how to treat us!

When he says you are mean, YOU DON'T HEAR HIM. You don't hear him until he speaks in a quiet voice, "Oh, were you talking to me? My ears don't work when I hear words that make me feel sad."

AT bedtime, if things have been going smoothly, you tell him how proud you are of how nicely he's been acting, being kind and using loving words. Perhaps you can read an extra story to show him how pleased you are with him.

In public - Whether you're in a store or restaurant, if he acts up, home you go. Yes, I know it interferes w/ your plans, but how much will you enjoy a screaming, hitting child? YOU DON'T TALK until he calms down. Then you calmly, with NO emotions, tell him that "I'm sorry we weren't able to have fun at the store, or the restaurant, or wherever (park, show). We'll go another time."

At school - instruct the teacher that he is to be put into an area, away from others. He is to be told that as soon as he can control his hands and his words, would he please come back to class because we will miss him. If he keeps running in, or hitting, then WITHOUT EMOTION, the teacher must pick up your child and return him to the place he is to stay until he gets himself under control. You will be amazed how quickly he doesn't want to stay away from his class.

I hope this helps you. The KEY is we ignore the bad behavior and compliment the good behavior. Then he will keep seeking good attention.


If you want to know what is really happening to our economy, Martin Weiss has a new book. I've been reading his no holds barred newsletter for over 20 years.
The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. ~ Ayn Rand ~

PROTECT OUR KIDS FROM ADVERTISING BRAINWASHINGHttp://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=15754

<*> This 'n That


* Do not butter vegetables. It's an insult to the cook.

* When finger foods are offered on a platter, place them on your plate before you put them into your mouth.

* When using a soupspoon, sip from the side. Never put the entire bowl of the spoon in your mouth.

* When the salad is served at the same time as your main course, don't transfer it onto your plate. If no salad plate is provided, put it on your butter plate.

* A glass of red wine is held at the base of the bowl. A glass of white wine is held by the stem (to preserve its chill).

(Source: http://www.epicurious.com)

No foolin'... That's the phone number from Purina.


The Flavr Savr tomato -- the first genetically engineered product sold to the U.S. public -- made a near-silent appearance in 1994 when a biotech company inserted a foreign gene so the tomato would stay fresh longer. GMOs (genetically modified organisms) have now made their way into just about every food category.

Genetic engineering can certainly provide some benefits. For example, rice has been modified to contain higher levels of vitamin A, zinc, and iron. The goal in that case is to prevent diseases caused by vitamin deficiencies in countries where rice is the main source of food.

But & not everyone likes the idea of eating genetically altered food -- especially since there's no way to predict what the long-term effects may be.

Both the USDA and the FDA say GMOs are safe -- and they don't require foods that contain them to be labeled as such. But you should be able to decide whether or not you want to buy and eat them. One thing you can do to regain some choice in the matter is to check out this website where you will find a comprehensive list of GMO foods: www.truefoodnow.org/gmo_facts/product_list/.

(Source: Dr. Al Sears Health Confidential for Men newsletter)

<*> Book Review

The Essential 55
An Award-Winning Educator's Rules for Discovering the Successful Student in Every Child
By Ron Clark
Published by Hyperion
May 2003; $19.95US/$29.95CAN; 1-4013-0001-4
Today's lesson: The Essential 55
Make eye contact
Respect other; ideas and opinions
Do not save seats
Say thank you within three seconds of receiving something
When you win, do not brag; when you lose, do not show anger
Do your homework each and every night without fail
Do not talk in a movie theater
Be the best person you can be
Always be honest
If you are asked a question in conversation,
ask a question in return
Perform random acts of kindness
Learn the names of all the teachers in the
school and greet them
If someone bumps into you,
even if it was not your fault , say excuse me
Stand up for what you believe in
Many more inside . . .
"Mr. Clark gave me the strength to hold on and be somebody. He is the one who believed in me . . . He told me not to give up. He told me to try and no other teacher did that."
--Tamara, sixth-grade student, Harlem, NY
ROBBER OVERTIME OF WORKERSHttp://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=15731


"Preview Forum" is distributing free multimedia resources (including excerpts from prime-time documentaries) to organizations for holding forums with community members and local journalists about "Teens in a Changing America." Organizations are invited to get involved in organizing community dialogues to talk about what it is really like to be a teen in our globalized, networked, overworked, absent-parent, media saturated world. Your organization can get involved and receive free discussion resources at: http://www.previewforum.com/teens/epostcard.html


An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. "A fight is going on
inside me." he said to the boy. "It is a terrible fight and it is between
two wolves. One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed,
arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride,
superiority, and ego.
The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility,
kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion,
and faith. The same fight is going on inside you - and inside
every other person, too."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather,
"Which wolf will win?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."


Life's Echo

A son and his father were
walking on the mountains.
Suddenly, the son falls
hurts himself and screams: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"
To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating,
somewhere in the mountain: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

Curious, he yells: "Who are you?"
He receives the answer:
"Who are you?"
Angered at the response,
he screams: "Coward!"
He receives the answer:

He looks to his father and asks: "What's going on?"
The father smiles and says: "My son, pay attention."

And then he screams to the mountain:
"I admire you!"
The voice answers:
"I admire you!"

Again the man screams:
"You are a champion!"
The voice answers:
"You are a champion!"

The boy is surprised,
but does not understand.
Then the father explains:
"People call this Echo,
but really this is Life.

It gives you back everything you say or do.
Our life is simply a reflection of our actions.
If you want more love in the world,
create more love in your heart.

This relationship applies to everything, in all
aspects of life.

Life will give you back
everything you have given to it.

Author Unknown


Go To: http://www.mountainwings.com

If you read this far, let me know: yes@joanbramsch.com

<*> Marketplace Check out special offers, deals and reviews

"Nutrition and Kids Adventures" is a cutting edge computer game designed to
help kids teach themselves about proper nutrition, healthier foods, and
having a healthy body. This CD-ROM game is for our elementary age children
to have fun as they learn about health and nutrition.

[Melvin Osburn got on "Science Weekly" and Jim Herndon is doing a HUGE 11,000 member church fund-raiser in Detroit. Using NAK to raise money for nonprofits is a win-win proposition.
I've been reading THE SAFE MONEY REPORT for 20 years. It's 100%
satisfaction guaranteed Enjoy all the benefits of the Safe Money Report for
a full year for just $99 … or better yet, get two years for just $198… It's
risk free. Call (800)-236-0407 Ask for Doreen. This is HALF-PRICE for EP!
Learn to play any song on the Piano or Keyboard BY EAR using the revolutionary technique of Rhythmic Patterns! Online audio and video demo at: http://www.PlayPianoTODAY.com

War cannot be humanized, it can only be abolished.
-- Albert Einstein

The ultimate oxymoron: "Holy War"

FOR PEACE ON OUR PLANET: We are not going to be able to operate our
Spaceship Earth successfully nor for much longer unless we see it as a
whole spaceship and our fate as common. It has to be everybody or nobody.
-Buckminster Fuller

NEXT ISSUE: More of the best I can find for you, dear Parent. And those EP
Bulletins will continue, if sporadically.

* . (\ *** /) * . *
. * ( \ (_) / ) * Guardian Angel * .
. (_ / | \ _) . * .
* . /____\ * . . *
In the meantime, here is an angel sent to watch over you for me.
FROM BILL: We are Angels born with but one wing,
In order to fly we must embrace one another.
Till next time, don't forget -- Parenthood is Wonder-filled!
Fondly, Joan
DISCLAIMER: The Empowered Parenting Ezine is intended to increase your
knowledge of the opinions and options in the fields that we cover. There is
no guarantee of validity or accuracy. Its contents should not be used to
replace professional advice. Empowered Parenting assumes no responsibility
for injury and specifically disclaims any warranty, express or implied for
any products or services mentioned. If expert assistance or counseling is
needed, services of a competent professional should be sought.
To SUBSCRIBE: EmpoweredParenting-subscribe@egroups.com
To UNSUBSCRIBE: EmpoweredParenting-unsubscribe@egroups.com
© 1999-2003 Joan Bramsch/JB INFORMATION STATION.
All rights reserved worldwide.
ISSN: 1526-2154 - Library Of Congress, Washington DC, USA
Permission to download text is for personal use only. It is illegal to
reproduce or transmit in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, or by any information storage and
retrieval system, any part of this copyrighted text without permission in
writing from the publisher.
All material copyright © Joan Bramsch 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 (unless
otherwise noted)

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